I know it was a little early, Boston's real birthday isn't until the 29th but all our friends are dispersing in the next few weeks so we decided to have his party before they all left. So last Friday was the big day we had to start it early at 9:30am since he goes to bed at 11am. I think he had a good time we had a Cars theme party so I made him a Mater cake which he took down to the last inch. I'm also happy to report that Boston now has more to play with then My Little Ponys. He got some tools, a tool bench, some cars and his favorite his Cars cell phone which I'm glad to say replaced the Cinderella one he's been carrying around for weeks. All in all it was a good time!!
Goin Strong...
Check Please!
Your cake is awesome!! I can't believe he ate so much...what a good boy. Easton wouldn't touch his birthday cake. I was so disappointed in him...definitely not my kid.
Glad you guys got some nice weather so you could go to the park!
What a cute cake! You'll have to let me know how you made it. I wanted to do a cars cake for McKay, but couldn't find anything that looked do-able.
You did a really good job on that cake! It looks awesome, then again you are good at all that kind of stuff. Way to go and happy b-day Boston!!
Happy Birthday Boston!!! Your mom did a great job on the cake!!
PS. K- Do you want me to add you as an author on the book club blog?
I am so impressed with the cake! What a talented mommy. My cakes usually look more like the "after" pictures. Happy birthday Boston!
That cake is amazing! Happy Birthday Big Boston!
Pretty much your amazing. That cake is awesome.
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