Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Fought the Floor and the Floor Won!

I don't know how many times I've told Kya to quit running in the house especially since she lives in tights so she can ice skate all over the hardwood floors. Well she finally did it I thought this was definitely going to need a trip to the hospital but it didn't split good thing on a side note as I'm typing this Kya just flipped backwards off the side of the desk and hit the cupboard on the way down, seriously does she have a death wish I don't know about. Here's some pics taken a week after... yea a week it was pretty bad.
Here's a pictures from today nearly 2 and half weeks later we finally found our Arnica pills because the bruise was so deep the gel wasn't cutting it. After 2 days it finally started to break up.


Anonymous said...

OUCH!!! Poor girl! And I bet you just laugh to yourself when all the other parents eye your child suspishisly!! :)

You guys are so great! I love looking at your blog-you have the funnest stories to share!

The Mechams said...

Poor girl, that is one nasty bump! I love all the pics we miss you guys and its nice to see whats new! Thanks for checking up on me in the hospital...even if you didn't know it was a pick me up that day!