Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tid Bits

Ok so this blog is going to be a little all over the place, so bare with me. First to clear things up, yes Todd got the externship in D.C. so we'll be closing the New Hampshire chapter of our lives in Dec. After so much school the last few years it feels great to be moving on. He had some job interviews in Kansas but we haven't heard anything on those yet. Before Todd left we did run up to Storyland real quick to check it out and get some free passes. It was so cool the girls loved it there despite our short trip. We're going to try to get back up there in the next few weeks. For all you locals check it out at
I passed my second glucose test thank goodness because I got so sick I would have died if I had to test again. So everything's good in that department. We had some preschool drama here recently. The school that Kya went to last year decided 2 weeks before school started to let us know that our area wasn't considered low income anymore and that they wouldn't be letting her return. Since it was too late to get her in anywhere else and we can't afford a private preschool, and maybe do to the extra hormones I flipped my lid. After going after the principal, preschool supervisor and the District Superintendent I'm pleased to announce they made an extra spot for her at her old school just in a different program. Kya also got excepted into a Ballet on scholarship which saved us like half the money so we're happy and she's going to be one busy girl this fall.
Ok so some of you have noticed that Mia has an extremely high pitched voice... she sounds like Mickey Mouse. You would think having such a small sounding voice would make her nice and quiet... Not the case. Mia has no volume control! She's also been obsessed with our Missionaries, so every Sunday we walk into the Chapel Mia points and screams out "There's the Missionaries". Luckily for us we get there early enough it's not an issue, but there's been a few times where they have come in late so she doesn't notice them until The Sacrament is being passed and that's just lovely. And since one time we made brownies when they came over now we can't make brownies without having them over or have them over with no brownies. I think this is why they never mind stopping by to see the girls.
Boston is getting to be such a big boy. He's such a Mama's boy I love getting all my loves from him through out the day. His new favorite thing is to back up against something and point his 2 fingers at me and say " Ma, Set, GO" ( On your Marks, Get Set, GO) and then take off across the room, although if you don't repeat him in just the right way he doesn't take off just looks at you more intensely and makes you start over again. He also had his 1st trip to the dentist which I thought would be a disaster but he did really well, ad was very excited when he found a mini dude ( sea turtle) in the toy bin to take home, and he's cutting another 2 teeth on top with more getting close on the bottom which makes too many to count, he has all his molars in so he pretty much has a mouthful of teeth.

Please Excuse the crappy pics it took me awhile to realize I had stuff on my lens.

Todd about to send in his acceptance letter to D.C.

Storyland Pics

Riding in Cinderella's Pumpkin Carriage

Boston in the Spray Park

My Little Miss Muffets... when you sat on the stump the spider came down it was pretty funny.
Another visit from Our favorite Missionaries this time they came with gifts... Clay!


Watts Family said...

Well it looks like you have a lot of stuff on your plate, and it is all organized. That's hard congrats. I used to be like Mia, I loved when the missionaries came over and when I would see them at church. It looks like you guys are having a blast.

Tiana Johnson said...

Storyland sounds great! I wish we could find a cool place like that around here!

Jordan and Danny said...

McKay and Mia sound so alike! I totally know what you mean about the high pitched, loud toddler voice. I feel like it is sometimes cute, and other times so hard to listen to. I've been meaning to say congrats to Todd's externship! We should talk soon and catch up!

A Family Affair said...

Looks like you guys are busy! I just realized that if you stop having kids after this baby, your kids will be in the exact same order as my sibs and I, two girls, then a boy, and one more girl-crazy!

Good luck getting through the last of the pregnancy, the move, and everything else!