Friday, November 21, 2008


Ok so I had to vent... first of all one of the things that bugged me the most was Jasper's Zoolander face the WHOLE MOVIE! I also hated how they added off the wall things at the sacrifice of some important parts of the book. I told myself not to go in with high expectations since I hate almost all movies that are based off books, but then I reread right before going to see the movie and I got myself all caught up in a Twilight frenzy that I didn't collect myself before going and ended up disappointed. Edward was a lot better than I thought I was not pleased with the casting choice at first,Bella spot on for me, Alice I thought was perfect, Esme and Rosalie I thought should have been more striking, Jasper would have been ok considering he didn't speak the whole movie expect he kept making that stupid face, Carlisle I thought was good too. I've picked a part this movie with tons of people since going to the midnight showing and I'm almost tempted just to clear my thoughts and see it again, there were good parts and some over the top. I just have a hard time thinking anyone who hasn't read the books would be able to follow that movie, and the one's who have read it and are in love with Edw... I mean the book ie. Me would not particularly like the movie either. I wonder what will happen if they do #2 hopefully someone else takes over on the directing because I think that was part of the problem.


Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

So are you telling me not to see it? I was considering, but I too hate movies based off of books. They always get it wrong, or forget important parts. I love the books, so I would had to ruin it by watching the movie.

Michelle said...

AMEN! I was wondering who was going to write about it first :-) I talked to my sister about it, she read the book awhile ago, and she liked it better than everyone else i've talked to, just cause it wasn't fresh. I'm glad we got to go see it anyway!

Rina said...

I saw the movie yesterday with Brad - who hasn't read the books - and said it was easy to follow and thought it was well done. He didn't have the issues I had since I was comparing it to the book. I agree with you - Alice was perfect and Bella did a great job. Edward was TERRIBLE! I hated the way he talked because he came across like a nervous, stuttering, teenage boy that couldn't control his temper - not the well-mannered, well-spoken, mature hotty pants. Aside from that, I thought they did a good job considering a movie will never be as good as a book.