Monday, July 9, 2007

More Cali Pictures!

Aunt Tammy, Connor, Breanna & The Kiddos
Uncle Billy in the Pool with Lexi #2, Breanna, & Mia

"I'm goin back to HAMPSHIRE!"

Boston passed out at the pool

Breanna in the pool

A rare moment where I'm not behind the camera

Breanna & Boston

Uncle Billy's turn in Golf

Kya's favorite tourist activity... Smashed Pennies!

Boston ran out of quarters

My Big Men

+ Mia

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh my gosh I don't know how you do it. 3 kids on a plane, plus going all over the country? You are a trooper!It looks like you guys had a blast, but I'm sure you're glad to be home.