Well we have been really busy it seems like, but we've done some really fun things too. On the 13th Todd surprised me with tickets to Leahy!! They're the best we saw them in OR before we came out here. So we drove to a little town called Portsmouth on the coast and ate at this weird place called The Friendly Toast but the food was amazing! A Little background on Leahy they are 11 siblings who are incredibly talented from Canada. Usually only 8 tour at a time giving those who've just had babies a break. Funny thing we've happen to see them for baby 4 & 5 for the keyboarding sister so we've yet to see her. But we did get to see a sister play the bass that was having baby #4 last time. They play a cross of Irish Scottish music, lots of crazy fiddling and step dancing. Everyone should go see them they are worth the drive if you have to make one but check out their website @ Leahymusic.com. Afterwards we were able to talk to them and get our CD signed they are such a nice family. This time we had balcony seats off to the right and we had a lot of fun watching all their little ones dance in the sidelines. Other than that we had a Nacho night at Todd's school, the girls thought it was so cool because they had a pinata. We went to Kya's old school for St. Patty's day and that was fun to see everyone again... it's been hard to go because I feel like Mondays are my only day off from things. We also just had an egg hunt at Ellie's house yesterday and one at Todd's school today. We've got another one at the church tomorrow at the Easter Bunny Breakfast which I volunteered Todd to wear the bunny suit so hopefully it fits so you can all tease him about it.
Hunt #1 Becky's House
Hunt #2 Law School Kya's favorite baby Paige... and yes Mia was smart enough to find an egg in the microwave!
Thanks to everyone who sent us pictures I really appreciate it! I think now I just have to let it go and move on. So moving on... Boston had a Dr.s appt last Friday. He's about 10 1/2 mos old now and his stats were... 19.6lbs and 28 1/2" long I don't remember what his head was but it was 99%. Our little man is getting huge! Just to give you an idea of Boston's eating habits yesterday he got up at 4pm from a nap and had a yogurt cereal bar, a kids apple cereal bar, half a can of Dora chicken noodle soup, like 6 nilla wafers, a cup of water, a cup of milk, and a container of yogurt all before 5pm. I swear all I do is feed the kid but at least he doesn't have weight loss issues anymore.
(I started this before we lost our pics unfortunately I was only half way through Mia so I missed out on some pictures). Ok so I got Tagged and you're supposed to post 10 of your fav. pics, but I had so much fun going through old pics I was like that's impossible so I'm doing 3 posts of my kids and I'll try to keep under 20pics a piece.
Naked in Mimi's fountain 12mos first Pony tail A Great Big Sissy from the start Kya camping at the Polomalus
Kya got a bike for her birthday rode it up and down the street and then off came the training wheels, she’s amazing. Everything she does she practices so hard until she gets it perfect. Her reading is getting really good there’s a handful of books she can read all by herself and she just started yesterday reading small verses of the Book of Mormon. I have to say I am very proud of my big girl. She has also mastered the art of making cups for Reece which lightens my load a ton, at least until she starts school in a month!
Miss Kamia Reagan Pratt
Mia is hilarious she still loves to tell stories and loves to be on the computer playing preschool games. She loves to tell us what she learned at Church and is missing Andrew while he’s in California for a month. Mia also got a bike and it took her awhile but she’s pretty fast now and can fly around our cul-de-sac.
Mr Boston Ryder Pratt
Boston is such a mess maker. He is still HUGE and is wearing a 4T and 5T in most things. His talking is getting much better. He loves to scooter with his big sisters and he loves to jump on the trampoline with the hose naked everyday sometimes multiple times in a day.
Miss Kaprice Brooklyn Pratt
Kaprice is walking 6 steps at a time now. She can say Hi Jack(our neighbor), tea, Mom, Dada, Kya, Night Night and hi. She can also crawl at record speed and now climbs up the stairs all day long. She loves to eat especially pizza, bananas and pop tarts. If you give her an unfrosted cupcake she’ll throw it back at you until you give her a frosted one. She speaks her mind all day long and tells everyone what’s what. She also sleeps in a big girl bed now!