Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What a Blessing

Our 2nd week in Oregon has been an eventful one. We've been staying at Todd's sister Kristi's house in Medford, and have loved having the Bennion girls around they are such a great help. And Kya loves her Luker! Well the week started off with a bang as we helped Mimi and Grandpa paint their house. Todd of course took a quick break to pump some iron. We've had a ton of laughs and lots of fun in Kristi's pool. Saturday Ted and Kristi took their boat out and we had a blast wake boarding !! Although Todd soon felt the consequences of 10 hours on a lake with no sunscreen, and we spent the rest of the evening trying tips off the Internet to relieve Todd of his horrific burn. A Cider Vinegar and Ice soak finally did the trick. We also celebrated Mimi's Bday on Saturday which included a huge dance party in Kristi's living-room.

Sunday we went to our old ward in Ashland to bless Baby Boston. Boston looked so cute in his white tux. Todd gave the most amazing blessing and it was great to see all our old friends. Monday Todd went back on the boat this time soaked in sunscreen and wearing a UV blocking shirt. Kya and I went to the mall and got our ears pierced for her birthday. Kya picked out the earrings so we now have pretty sparkly pink ones so we can be twins. Monday night we celebrated Kya's 3rd bday so Todd could be there. She scored with 3 new My Little Ponies, 2 swimsuits, a princess swim cover-up, and a new Ariel gown that came with a bibity bobity boo and slippers. Finally the day had to come as yesterday we had to say goodbye to Daddy. Todd flew home to start summer classes, and we can't wait for him to fly back and get us at the end of June!! So this might turn into a picture blog this next month so Todd can watch Boston continue to grow huge! We Love you DADDY!!

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