Monday, July 14, 2008

Nashua's Annual Fairytale Day

Friday I heard on the radio that Nashua was going to have this Fairytale Day to promote Literacy. They were going to to face painting, give away books, have a bounce house and lots more. So Saturday the girls picked out their costumes and away we went. It was a really cute set up, they had an amphitheater that they put a huge woodland backdrop in front of and did little skits and shows. Some moving company brought a huge semi in and opened the back and the side door, and covered the floor with the bubble packing material so kids could go in and jump around popping them, it was a huge hit! They also had this women doing caricatures which I've always wanted done, so we had the kids done and it took her like 2 mins. it was crazy. The girls got their face painted and hand tattoos, which Kya freaked out and didn't want one because she thought it wouldn't come off like mine, but we convinced her it would come off and it was the 1st thing she did when she came home. They had a bubble station and a make your own wings station it was very cool. We avoided the bounce house since it was miserably hot and muggy and kids were dropping like flies they had 4 ambulances leave while we were there. Luckily we had frozen the girls canteens the night before so they drank water the whole time. I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted, between the whole thing being on a hill and the stroller leaving every time you let go or making sure the girls didn't get walked over or pushed out of line, and keeping all of our goodies from falling off the top of the stroller since the under carriage was full of food for Boston. All in all though it was great and I would recommend it to anyone who's going to still be here next summer.


Emily said...

That sounds awesome! All except the kids leaving in ambulance part. I bet you guys had a blast. I love stuff like that, especially for kids.

And your pool looks awesome! How cool that you live so close and it's free!!! That's the best!

Melanie said...

What a fun festival!

Jan said...

How fun! How do you find out about these fun things all the time. That's awesome! Mia is sooooooooo adorable dancing on the stage! And I love how Boston is keeping his eye on Jack Sparow! So Boston like!

Tiana Johnson said...

It's weird to hear about people being in the heat, because we've had such a cool summer so far! We've hardly been wearing shorts! Sounds like a fun place to be though.

Tiana Johnson said...

Holy cow, I just noticed that Boston is 25 pounds! That's how much Hyatt weighs! Pretty dang good since Boston had such a skinny start.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun. The girls looked beautiful as always. I love boston's face in the picture with todd and Jack sparrow.

The Allen Family said...

It looks like you guys had a good time. Too bad we probably won't get to go there next year :( Can't wait to see the belly growth in person, we'll be back soon!