Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

We had a laid back Memorial Day that was perfect, unfortunately I was so relaxed I didn't bother to take any pictures throughout the day... woops. We started off the morning 2 blocks down to watch the parade it was short but the kids still loved it especially once they got their flags. We ran into the Coils and that started off a day of plans. We headed up to their house with our volcano sprinkler and the kids had fun running around out in the sun. The guys went on a wild goose hunt for a park with a bbq pit and after a couple hours we decided to hit some drive thrus and go to Rollins park. After dinner we ran home put our kids to bed with Mimi and went back to the Coils for some St. Petersburg our latest and greatest board game.


Melanie said...

Go St. Petersburg! I hear a challenge has been set forth. We'll take you on any time ... any place! (OK, except right when I have the baby)

Aaron Hill said...

OK 2 things: 1st, Boston is so freakin big now. I always remember him as that little guy at April's birthday.

2nd, You guys are having number 4!! That's awesome. When are you due? We're looking at Nov. 29th. That's so cool! Congrats!

Aaron Hill said...

that's awesome! Now we'll have at least 1 set of kids in the same age group.